The mission of PGA Diplomatic Initiative (PGA DI) is to serve as a permanent communicator of reforms’ developments of Ukrainian public service to the representatives of the international community. This mission is achieved by collecting of the best international practices in the civil service sector, by developing partnerships, fostering dialogue and exploring cooperation opportunities with Embassies, Missions and other international stakeholders. In pursuing this, we are guided exclusively by principles of impartiality and credibility.
PGA DI started conducting its activities by orienting itself into the G7 countries in various formats. During 2018, we managed to organize the meetings with the representatives of the EU and Canada in partnership with 1991 Civic Tech and Kyiv School of Economics. We shaped the Scandinavian region by being invited to the residence of the Ambassador of Sweden. In addition to that, some of the PGA team members managed to advocate PGA in other G7 countries – Germany and Italy. We also discussed US and UN with the representative of Stimson Center (via skype). Together with other representatives of the PGA teams, we managed to contribute to the meeting with the representatives of Germany (closed-format session).
Our Ambassadors

Victoria Vdovychenko
Team Lead
PGA Diplomatic Initiative
Kyiv, Ukraine

Olga Tsuprykova
Athens, Greece

Anton Dubenskyi
Kyiv, Ukraine